Kami Presents

Earth, Meridians & Shadow, Seasons.


Our Earth Globe has been divided into meridians to perfectly identify mapping of each of the country. There are 360 Meridians i.e 180 on left & 180 on right, considering a central as Greenwich near London. It is the centre of all.

Type of Meridians:
– Longitudes
– Latitudes

The vertical lines on globe which joins the poles are longitudes.

The horizontal lines on globe which joins the equator are latitudes.

Earth Journey:
It don’t travel in a simple structure rather it follows a particular lead around the sun, due to which every town in world has it’s own time. For, each one is affected by sun in different way. This reason is connected to variety of seasons and also their duration.

A.M & P.M:

Most probably known as Anti-meridian and Post-Meridian we use it after our time. The meridians before the Greenwich are labeled as A.M and after Greenwich are labeled as P.M. 

Solar Point:

The Honolulu in Hawaii, is the only country where after several years comes a day when it is at point of noon between A.M & P.M. At that time the shadow of everything there lies below that object, so it seems like it is Photoshoped. That point i.e noon of that day of Honolulu is called as Solar Point.

Sidereal Day:

The day when Earth completes it’s one trip around the sun is called as the sidereal day.

Graph of the Earth Trip:

Due to this problem there appears the difference in time of seasons.

Leap Year:

We know that a years equals 365 days. But what happens after 4 years? there comes a day called as a leap year which makes difference. When I was kid, I was not that smart indeed. I used to think sometimes that what is a leap year, why 1 day is added after years?

Actually It’s a bit truth we are not aware of, the duration of one year is not 365 days but 365.25 days. Due to this there happened a change of dates every year and seasons. Even winter would come is april and summer in october. To solve this issue astronomers thought and resolved the problem saying if we spend our year as 365 and after four years these 0.25 will make 0.25×4 = 1 and then adding 1 day and label it as ” Leap Year “. This was a lot help to solve the issue, this helped and their happened a change of 10 days advance of seasons instead of several months and years. This introduced calender was called as a JULIAN CALENDER. Later on, the Catholic CHURCH was not agree and said they want to have Easter come on the same date every year. What this was due to, it was actually due to the reason that it was not exactly 365.25 days but 365.2421 days and diversion happened with passage of time. Now this problem was solved by astronomers to avoid celebrating leap year for several years. By making calculation i.e by dividing time of 365.2421 to 100 & 400 they recalculated the leap day. This way solved the problem to almost perfect. New calender was re-announced called as GREGORIAN calender.


The latest calender is still not perfect, it gaps one day of season after 3216 years.


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